Rally’s participants are accommodated in Gminny Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji (Municipal Sports and Recreation Centre) RELAKS 10km away from the city centre. The Centre offers a variety of attractions for participants (tennis courts, sports hall, swimming pool, barbecue).
Participants can choose wether they want to be located in lodges (for 3, 4 and 5 people), pavilions (with rooms for 2, 3 and 4 people) or personal tents. In total, the resort offers more than 200 bookings for participants.
Hotel-day in lodges.
Domek |
Cena |
3 osobowy |
20€ |
4 osobowy |
26€ |
5 osobowy |
35€ |
Hotel-day in rooms – paviloin.
Pokój |
Cena |
2 osobowy |
18€ |
3 osobowy |
20€ |
4 osobowy |
26€ |
Hotel-day at the campsite (tent + up to 4 people)
Namiot |
Cena |
5€ |
Accommodation price is not included in the meeting ticket’s price. Hotel-day lasts from 12 a.m. to 11 a.m. the next day. For more information please check the Camping’s site.
Relaks ul. Tuszynska 113 95-022 Wisniowa Gora