Ads and media
Help us in raising awareness about the meeting and get involved!In this section, you will find all the media (graphics, flayers, forum signatures) associated with our event. If you created something on your own, please sent it to us so we can post it!
BBCode signature
by Quoter
by Quoter
Printable Flyers
Ulotka, 2szt.@A4, kolor, by fiatcik
Ulotka, 2szt.@A4, PRL, by fiatcik
Ulotka, JPG, retro czarno-biała, by Quoter
Banners / Wallpapers
Tapeta/plakat – JPG, by Quoter
Tapeta/plakat – PNG, by dovers_ck
Tapeta/plakat – JPG, by Sexybear
Tapeta/plakat – JPG, by Sexybear
Tapeta/plakat – JPG, by FAN126P
Tapeta/plakat – PNG, by Retro stickers
Tapeta/plakat – JPG, by Maluch Stefan
Logo zlotu – PNG z przeźroczystościami, by maxx
Logo zlotu – JPEG, by maxx
modern 720p, H264+AAC, 16:9 11MB MP4, by maxx
myśliciele 720p, H264+AAC, 16:9 55MB MP4, by maxx
PRL 720p, H264+AAC, 16:9 54MB MP4, by maxx